IMG 3950

Pavlos Kontides, Elena Vorobeva, Irina Kusovac i Ilija Marković – pobjednici su 13. međunarodne jedriličarske regate Split Olympic Sailing Week koja se minula tri dana jedrila u splitskom akvatoriju u organizaciji JK Labuda. Pedeset kormilara u tri klase lasera: standard, 4.7 i radial, iz 12 zemalja odjedrili su četiri plova, jedan po maestralu i tri, zadnjeg dana jedrenja, po jugu.
Ovo je jedriličarima klase standard koji drugi tjedan putuju na regatu u francuski Hyeres, bio odličan trening gdje je lekciju domaćim snagama – Tonču Stipanoviću i Filipu Jurišiću iz JK Mornara, održao Cipranin Pavlos Kontides, uvjerljivo trijumfirajući.
Kod "radialaca" slavila je Ruskinja Elena Vorobeva, inače članica Labuda. Dvadesetdevetogodišnjakinja predvodila je cijelu flotu te zaslužila dva pokala – i za ukupnu konkurenciju i među djevojkama.
U nadmetanju jedriličara podno najmanjeg jedra lasera, onog 4.7, pobjeda se piše Iliji Markoviću iz YC Delfin-Tivat, dok je među djevojkama najbrža bila klupska mu kolegica Irina Kusovac.
Najboljima jedriličarima nagrade su uručili Karlo Kuret, direktor regate SOSW, te Goran Urlić sportski direktor kluba i Žarko de Grisogono, predsjednik JK Labuda, domaćina nadmetanja koji je pozvao jedriličare i dogodine u Split, na 14. regatu SOSW.

Laser standard, ukupno: 1. Pavlos Kontides, klib Limassol-Cipar, 2. Filip Jurišić, JK Mornar-Split, 3. Tonči Stipanović, JK Mornar;
Laser radial, ukupno: 1. Elena Vorobeva, JK Labud-Split, 2. Dominik Perković, JK Labud, 3. Noa Vladislavić, JK Mornar; Žene: 1. Elena Vorobeva, JK Labud, 2.Anđela de Micheli Vitturi, JK Split, 3. Eline Flotoft Elnan, Asker-Noverška;
Laser 4.7, ukupno: 1. Ilija Marković, YC Delfin-Tivat, Crna Gora, 2. Đani Muhar, JK Mornar, 3. Božidar Golubić, JK Mornar; Žene: 1. Irina Kusovac, YC Delfin, 2. Eleonore Borgini, JK Tijat-Vodice, 3. Katja Frua, JK Val-Šibenik.

Race 4 Standard: 1. Pavlos Kontides, 2. Filip Jurišić 3. Tonči Stipanović
Standard UKUPNO; 1. Pavlos Kontides, 2. Filip Jurišić, 3.Tonči Stipanović

Radial, Race 4: 1. Elena Vorobeva, 2. Dominik Perković, 3.Anđela de Micheli Vitturi
Ukupno radial: 1. Elena Vorobeva, 2. Dominik Perković, 3. Noa Vladislavić
Radial žene: 1. Vorobeva, 2. Anđela de Micheli Vitturi, 3. Eline Flotoft Elnan, Asker

4.7., race 4: 1. Ilija Marković, 2. Đani Muhar, 3. Božidar Golubić
Overal: 1. Ilija Marković, 2. Đani Muhar, 3. Božidar Golubić
Žene 4.7: 1. Irina Kusovac, YC Delfin, MNE, 2. Eleonore Borgini, JK Tijat, 3. Katja Frua, JK Val Šibenik

Startao je i treći današnji plov, čime bi se SOSW okončao sa četiri valjane utrke.

Trenutni, neslužbeni rezultati su
Race 2 (prva utrka danas)
Standard: 1. Pavlos Kontides, Cipar 2. Filip Jurišić,JK Mornar,
3. Tonči Stipanović, JK Mornar
Radial: 1. Dominik Perković, JK Labud, 2.Eline Flotoft Elnan, Asker
3. Noa Vladislavić, JK Mornar;
4.7: 1. Ilija Marković, JK Delfin, 2. Đani Muhar, JK Mornar, 3. Božidar Golubić, JK Mornar

Race 3 (druga utrka danas)
Standard: 1. Tonči Stipanović, 2. Filip Jurišić, 3. Pavlos Kontides
Radial: 1.Elena Vorobeva, JK Labud, 2. Dominik Perković, JK Labud
3. Noa Vladislavić, JK Mornar
4,7: 1. Ilija Marković, 2. Božidar Golubić, 3. Đani Muhar

Trenutni poredak ukupno:
Standard: 1. Filip Jurišić, 2. Tonči Stipanović, 3. Pavlos Kontides
Radial: 1. Dominik Perković, 2. Anđela de Micheli Vitturi
3. Eline Flotoft Elnan
4.7: 1. Ilija Marković, 2. Božidar Golubić, 3. Đani Muhar

Odjedren je prvi plov, odnosno drugi ukupno, na 13. međunarodnoj regati Split Olympic Sailing Week. Jugo jačine od 12 do 15 čvorova, osiguralo je odlične uvjete za jedrenje na regatnom polju postavljenom podno splitske Zente. Upravo se jedri i drugi današnji, odnosno treći plov ukupno. Napokon su vremenski uvjeti u splitskom akvatoriju pogodni za regatavanje flote od 50 jedriličara, a raduje i činjenica da će se skoro imati i tri neophodna plova za valjanost regate. Vijesti sa mora možete pratiti na našoj SOSW facebook stranici.


Međunarodna jedriličarska regata Split Olympic Sailing Week, u svom 13. izdanju, ima skor – u dva dana, samo jedan plov!
Naime, tek je drugog dana regatavanja flota od 50 kormilara iz 12 zemalja, u tri klase lasera, izašla na more zahvaljujući maestralu koji se u kasnim popodnevnim satima raspuhao oko 5 čvorova. Na regatnom polju između splitskog Sustipana i Čiova, najbrži među jedriličarima lasera standarda bio je Mađar Benjamin Vadnai, ispred Amerikanca Charlesa Buckinghama, te trećeplasiranog „splitovca“ Maria Novaka.
Kod lasera jedra 4.7 pobjeda se piše Crnogorcu Iliji Markoviću, dok je drugi bio Božidar Golubić (Mornar-Split), a treći mu klupski kolega Ratko Knez.
Trijumf u konkurenciji jedriličarki i jedriličara podno jedra laser radiala zabilježila je Ruskinja Elena Vorobeva, kojoj su u krmi gledali Marko Smolić iz šibenskog Vale i Marin Mandić iz splitskog Labuda.
Prema prognozi, za subotu zadnjeg dana jedrenja, očekuje se jugo, pa je organizator regate JK Labud zakazao start drugog plova u 10 sati. Želja je odjedriti najmanje još dva plova, kako bi se imalo valjanje rezultate regate.

sergio stubnja

Pedeset jedriličarki i jedriličara iz 11 zemalja tri dana će jedriti u splitskom akvatoriju za prestižni epitet pobjednika 13. izdanja međunarodne regate "Split Olympic Sailing Week" i to u tri klase laser: standard, 4.7 i radial. Omjer snaga je 16 kormilara podno jedra lasera standarda, pa 15 ih u laser 4.7 i njih 19 za kormilom laser radiala, a među njima smo "sinjali" i onog najstarijeg.

• Ajme, nemojte mi pisati godine! Puno ih imam, ali i snage te želje za zajedriti – dok je namještao brod prije poziva sudaca na izaći na more, govori nam Serđo Stubnja, jedriličar splitskog Labuda, organizatora ove regate.
Godinama je Serđo u jedrenju, od početnih koraka u "optimistima", pa zatim u klasi "kadet" i na kraju u laseru kojem je vjeran desetljećima.
• S guštom, uz boravak na moru i regatama, volim se prisjetiti i medalja, od bronce sa europskog prvenstva za veterane, pa dvije veteranske titule prvaka države – zbori nam laseraš Serđo, koji obožava "male" klase, ali i regate krstaša, gdje također niže uspjehe u kokpitu svoje "Nore".

Ujedno nam je ovaj iskusni jedriličar otkrio kako mu je "Split Olympic Sailling Week" odlična regata i uhodavanje za svjetsko prvenstvo laseraša u rujnu..

13th International Sailing Regatta
Split Olympic Sailing Week 2017
13.-15. April 2017. Split, Croatia, S.C. Labud


The Split Olympic Sailing Week 2017. will be held at Split, the Croatia from 13.04. to 15.04.2017.
The Organizing Authority is the Sailing Club Labud - Split.

1.1 The regatta will be governed by the rules as defined in The Racing Rules of Sailing (RRS).
1.2 RRS Appendix P, Special Procedures for Rule 42, will apply.
1.3 The Croatian Sailing Federation prescriptions will not apply.
1.4 If there is a conflict between languages the English text will take precedence.

2.1 Boats are required to display advertising chosen and supplied by the organizing authority.
2.2 Competitors ranked first, second and third in the series at the beginning of each day, may be required to wear yellow, blue and red bibs respectively while racing. The bibs will be provided by the Organising Authority.
2.3 Unless excused by the Organising Authority, attendance to daily press conferences and media interviews upon organizer’s request is mandatory.

3.1 Competitors and coaches shall enter by completing the on-line entry form on the event website and paying the required fees. On-line entry opens on 15.02.2017.
All competitors and team leaders/coaches shall also complete registration at the Registration Office in JK Labud during registration time (see NoR 5.1).
Registration is not final until all payment of fees are completed.
3.2 ISAF Eligibility requirements shall apply. Each athlete shall be registered as an ISAF Sailor on the ISAF website:
3.3 The regatta is open to the following classes/events:

• Men's One Person Dinghy Laser
• Women's and Men's One Person Dinghy Laser Radial
• Women's and Men's One Person Dinghy Laser 4.7
• Men's One Person Dinghy Heavy Finn

4.1 Required non-refundable fees are as follows:

Entry Fee
Laser, Radial &Finn 300,00 kn (appr. 40,00 EUR)
Laser 4.7 100,00 kn (appr. 13,50 EUR)
Coaches 150,00 kn (appr. 20,00 EUR)
Entry Fee included: Start permission, bag with the start number and sponsors stickers and other informations, T-shirt or another sailor race souvenirs, post-race hot food and cold drink (Thursday and Friday), JK Labud facility (pontoons with water and power supply, slipways, RIBs crane, moorings, berths, toilets and showers...)

4.2 Payment of Entry Fee has to be made in kunas by cash at the Registration Office.

4.3 Irrespective of NoR 4.1, Olympic, World and European medalist in 2016. who have registered before 01.04.2017. will not be required to pay an entry fee.

5.1 Registration for competitors and coaches is scheduled for:

Wednesday 12.04.2017. from 10:00 to 19:00
Thursday 13.04.2017. from 09:00 to 11:00

5.2 The schedule of races, and dates of racing is as follows:

Wednesday 12.04.2017. official training and practice race
Thursday 13.04.2017. (no warning signal earlier than 14:00 h) racing
Friday 14.04.2017. racing
Saturday 15.04.2017. (no warning signal for any class after 16.30 h) racing

5.3 For each class 7 races are scheduled with up to three races per day.
5.4 The prize giving ceremony is scheduled ASAP after a boat comes ashore on Saturday 15. April.

6.1 For all events the regatta will consist of a single series.
6.2 Other formats may be used as authorized by the RC.

7.1 Each boat shall have a valid measurement certificate (if required by class rules).
7.2 Boats shall use the approved Nationality Code Letters on their sails as required by the RRS.
7.3 The equipment limitations as specified in the class rules shall apply.
7.4 Boats may be subject to inspection at any time during the event.

Sailing instructions will be available at registration and on the event website.
Other documents governing the event will be published with the sailing instructions.

9.1 Attachment 1 shows the location of the regatta harbor.
9.2 Attachment 2 shows the location of the racing areas.

The courses will be Windward/Leeward or Trapezoid.

An International Jury will be appointed in accordance with RRS 91(b). Its decisions will be final as provided in RRS 70.5.

12.1 The Low Point System of RRS Appendix A will apply.
12.2 A total of 3 races are required to be completed to constitute a regatta.
12.3(a) When fewer than 3 races have been completed, a boat’s series score will be the total of her race scores.
(b) When 3 or more races have been completed, a boat’s series score will be the total of her race scores excluding her worst score.
12.4 Classes and categories starting together will be scored and awarded separately at the end of the Regatta only by extracting results from the overall ranking. (Categories – Men & Women)

13.1 All support boats shall be registered with the Organising Authority and will be required to comply with event support boat regulations. The Organising Authority may refuse registrations and accept later registrations at their sole discretion.
13.2 All support boats shall clearly display the 3 letter national code of their ISAF Member National Authority at all times while afloat. The minimum height for the letters shall be 200 mm and visible from both sides of the boat.
13.3 Support boats with team leaders, coaches and other support personnel shall stay outside areas where boats are racing from the time of the starting sequence until all boats have finished or the race committee signals a postponement, general recall or abandonment.

When ashore, boats shall be kept in the boat park JK Labud or JK Mornar.

Except in an emergency, a boat shall neither make nor receive radio transmissions, text messages or cellular phone calls while racing except in an emergency or when using equipment provided by the race committee.

Medals will be awarded to the top 3 boats in each event.

Each participating boat must hold third party liability insurance with a minimum cover of at least 1.500,000 Euros (or equivalent) per incident.

Competitors participate in the regatta entirely at their own risk. See rule 4, Decision to Race.
Neither the Organising Authority will accept any liability for material damage or personal injury or death sustained in conjunction with or prior to, during, or after the regatta.

19.1 By participating in SOSW event competitors automatically grant to the Organising Authority and their sponsors, the right in perpetuity to make, use and show, from time to time at their discretion, any motion pictures and live, taped or filmed television and other reproductions of the athlete during the period of the competition without compensation.
19.2 Boats may be required to carry cameras, sound equipment and positioning equipment as specified by the Organising Authority.
19.3 The top three competitors as well as the individual race winners may be required to attend a media press conference each day.
19.4 Competitors may be required for interviews at the regatta.

For further information please contact the Organizing Authority of the Split Olympic Sailing Week 2017 at the following address:

JK Labud
Uvala Baluni 9, 21000 SPLIT
Telephone/fax: +385 (0)21 398583
+385 (0)21 398583
Email: Ova e-mail adresa je zaštićena od spambota. Potrebno je omogućiti JavaScript da je vidite.
Web address:

Consent for a minor's partecipation in a Laser sailing championship

pdfSOSW minor.pdf
To be completed and signed by the parent / guardian of all entrants under 18 years of age.

Box A - Sailor and Responsible Adult det
Name of sailor (the minor) 1.
Name of the responsible adult attending event 2.
Mobile phone number of responsible adult 3.
Box B - Parent / guardian details
Name of parent / guardian 1.________________________________________
Address 2.________________________________________
Telephone number: Daytime 3.________________________________________
Evening 4.________________________________________
Mobile 5.________________________________________


Upon arrival at the club the responsible adult will be required to sign to acknowledge their acceptance of
responsibility for the minor.

I, the parent/guardian have legal custody of the minor. I hereby authorise the responsible adult to the act as my
nominated person at the championship. I agree that this authorisation shall remain in effect for the duration of the
minor's partecipation in the championship and related activities and shall not be revoked before the end of the

Non-Liability of the club and the class
I agree that in no event will the club or the class, their parent companies, affiliates, or the partners, owners,
directors, officers, employees, agents and committee persons have any liability whatsoever arising from or in
connection with any action or non-action of the responsible adult.
I, the parent/guardian understand and agree to the terms of entry as detailed in the Notice of Race and confirm
that the responsible adult will accompany the minor for the duration of the championship.
By signing I certify that I have carefully read, understand and agree to the above agreement and non-liability

Signature of parent/guardian:                                                 Date:


Please ensure that all sections are completed and you have signed at the bottom of the form.
Carry with you at regatta office perfectioning the entry.