Club Swan 36 ACI Sail Championship
Notice of race
Organizing authority is JK "LABUD" , Split under the jurisdiction of Croatian Sailing Federation and with ACI Sail support.
1. Rules
The regatta will be governed by
1.1. the Racing Rules of Sailing (RRS)
1.2. ClubSwan 36 class rules
1.3. Croatian sailing federation prescriptions will apply only on competitor from Croatia.
1.4. RRS changes: RRS 55 is amended as follows: However, discarding elastic or wool bands when setting a sail will not be considered a breach of rule 55
1.5. In the event of a discrepancy between the Notice of Race and the Sailing Instructions, the Sailing Instructions take precedence. (this changes RRS rule 63.7).
2. Advertising
2.1. Advertising is permitted in accordance with WS Regulation 20
2.2. Organizer may also require setting advertising, flags and the cameras on the boat, at no cost to competitors, as well as devices for monitoring the position in real time.
3. Eligibility
3.1. The event is open to all boats of the ClubSwan 36 Class, with valid Measurement Certificate and Measurement Forms.
3.2. The World Sailing Eligibility Code (WS Regulation 19), and the Sailors Categorization Code (WS Regulation 22) shall apply.
3.3. Crew lists and World Sailing Sailor IDs for all crew, as well as declarations of alternate, substitute and relief helmsmen shall be submitted by online form no later than 20.04.2021.
3.4. All competitors shall be verified at their national sailing federations and all entries shall hold vignette for the boat issued for current year by Croatian Sailing Federation.
3.5. For all competitors under the age of 18, the written consent of a parent or guardian should be attached to the crew list during registration before the regatta.
3.6. Owner or boat renter shall hold valid boat insurance certificate
4. Entry fee and entry
4.1. Entries shall be received online till 20.04.2021 via form on address Swan 36 ACI Sail Championship
4.2. Entry fee per boat in CLUBSWAN 36 class is 3000 HRK and is payable on following account:
Bank transfers shall be sent to: J.K. Labud Split – IBAN HR7524070001100579424, registrated at OTP dd bank. Reference number shall be personal ID of the payer, under "Purpose of payment" the name and surname of the payer, and the name of the boat for which the entry fee is being paid.
5. Registration
5.1. Each owner or helmsman must register in person at the regatta office on Thursday, April 22nd, 2021 from 3:00 pm to 7:00 pm
5.2. The following documents must be presented at registration:
a) Valid boat licence
b) Advertising license issued by respective National Authority, if sailboats displays any advertisement.
c) Crew List with names , licence number
d) vignette CSF
This changes rule 78.2 RRS.
5.3. Competitors shall complete crew weighing check on the day of registration till 18:00.
6. Schedule
Date | Hour | Programme |
Thursday 22.04.2021 | 15:00 – 20:00 | Registration |
Friday, 23.04.202 | 11:00 | Training day (till 5PM) |
Saturday, 24.04.2021 | 11:00 | races |
Sunday, 25.04.2021 | 11:00 | races |
ASAP | Prize giving |
6.2. A maximum of 8 races are scheduled, of which at least 1 has to be completed for the event to be valid. There will be no discard. Organizer reserves the right to change the program.
6.3. No warning signal will be given after 1600 hours on Sunday, 25.04.2021.
7. Sailing Instructions
7.1. Sailing instructions will be available online.
8. Venue
8.1. The venue will be JK Labud, Uvala Baluni 9
8.2. Race area will be in Split channel
8.3. The course
8.4. The course will be shown in details in the SI and will be a windward/leeward type of course
9.1. Support boats shall register with the OA, filling the form provided by the race office.
10. Berths and accommodation
10.1. Berthing for the boats will be possible in the ACI marina Split / JK Labud available upon previous confirmation from organisers.
11. Media rights
11.1. Competitors, owners and their guests grants the organizer the right to use all photographs and video footage taken of persons and boats during the event in the media, including advertising, press materials for any other promotional activities, or press notices.
12. Prizes
12.1. Awards will be as follows:
- First boat
- Second boat with minimum 6 boats
- Third boat with minimum 9 boats
Organizer reserves the right to introduce additional prizes
13. Exemption from liability
13.1. All those taking part in the regatta do so at their own risk and responsibility. The organising authority, JK Labud, Split and any other party involved in the organisation of the Club swan 36 ACI Sail Championship disclaim any and all responsibility whatsoever for loss, damage injury or inconvenience that might occur to persons and materials, both ashore and at sea as a consequence of participation in the event. Each boat owner or his representative accepts these terms by signing entry form. The attention of competitors is drawn to ISAF Part 1 Fundamental Rule 3: A boat is solely responsible for deciding whether or not to start or to continue racing..
14. More information
14.1. For further information please contact:
14.2. Sailing klub "Labud" – Uvala baluni 9, 21000 SPLIT – HRVATSKA, Tel/fax +385 (0)21/398-583, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. web: -
14.3. Information for SwanClub 36 class and accommodation , mob: +385 (0)99 493 6164, email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.